Diazotrophs: The ocean’s natural fertilizers
Biological Oceanography
in a Changing Ocean
"Why upon your first voyage as a passenger, did you yourself feel such a mystical vibration, when first told that you and your ship were now out of sight of land?" Herman Melville, Moby Dick
Everything works out
Materia orgánica: ¿el tamaño importa?
Organic matter: does size matter?
Deciphering Eddy Bentayga
Los secretos del Remolino Bentayga
Vitamins in Eddies
El diminuto mundo del plancton: navegando por la diversidad
Big tiny plankton: sailing through diversity
Proxies to elucidate an eddie's life history
The first sampling
El primer muestreo
Understanding the eddies
Comprendiendo los remolinos
The Effort Before Science
Charlas en el comedor mientras navegamos: Los doctores y la transición a la carrera científica
Dining hall chats while sailing: PhDs and the transition into a science career
Discovering the Bentayga eddie
Conociendo el remolino Bentayga